Title | NCKU Epidemic Prevention Announcement for 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) (2020/02/15 16:30) |
Date | 2020-02-17 |
Content | A. NCKU Epidemic Prevention News(Chinese)https://tinyurl.com/wuokld2 B. 2019-nCoV Prevetion News, Office of International Affairs, NCKU (Chinese)https://tinyurl.com/sgkyddj (English)https://tinyurl.com/surnp8y C. NCKU Surveys 1.NCKU 2019-nCoV Epidemic Prevention Platform School-wide Mandatory Survey (Must report twice. First time before Feb. 14th; Second time between Feb. 17-28th): https://app.pers.ncku.edu.tw/ncov/ 2.Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong and Macau Students (degree students): https://forms.gle/BMLUwzHStHmwZaTS7 3.Foreign Degree Students and all Exchange Students: https://tinyurl.com/wld3t2a 4.Chinese students: https://wj.qq.com/s2/5296192/667d/?fbclid=IwAR2_H2wnHdgSpENq1OzEtINmPxEAU5WbG36Vp-YpOOJXTjatiFNZt2p0mc8 |
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Announcement (2020/02/15 16:30)