姓名 黃華瑋
職稱 特聘教授
E-mail z10009023@email.ncku.edu.tw
辦公室 63305
分機 53423
專長領域 審計學、公司治理、整合報導
  • 美國佛羅里達國際大學會計學博士
  • 台灣文化大學會計學碩士
  • 台灣成功大學會計學學士
  • 台灣會計師高考及格(具執業資格)
  • 澳洲會計師公會認證會計師
  • 台灣成功大學會計系專任教授(兼管理學院副院長暨金融科技中心副主任)
  • 台灣成功大學會計系專任副教授(兼會計系系主任暨財務金融所所長)
  • 美國紐約州立大學前西苑分校會計系專任助理教授(Tenure-Track)
  • 美國佛羅里達國際大學會計學院兼任講師
  • 資誠會計師事務所高級審計員
  • 致遠會計師事務所審計員




  • 國際SSCI級會計期刊 管理審計期刊 副總編輯(2018~)
  • 國際SSCI級會計期刊 亞太會計經濟期刊 副總編輯(2019~)
  • 哈佛商業評論中文版導師群作家(2020~)
  • 行政院行政法人國家災害防救科技中心監事(2018~)
  • 財團法人證券櫃檯買賣中心董事(2021~)
  • 財團法人證券櫃檯買賣中心獨立外部審議委員(財務會計專家)(2017~)
  • 公司治理協會南區董監事班課程主持人(2018~)
  • 行政院科技部學術研習營課程教師(2012~)
  • TSSCI級當代會計期刊編輯委員(2019~)
  • 亞太中文學術評鑑與發展高峰論壇(香港中文大學主辦) 台灣成大校代表(2016~)


  • 財務會計準則委員會委員(2013~2023)
  • 台灣行政院科技部管理學門會計領域複審委員(2017)
  • 台灣台南市政府醫事審議委員會委員(2016~2020)
  • 台灣會計師公會審計品質評鑑委員會委員 (2013~2018)
  • 會計師公會會計師責任鑑定委員會委員(2018~2021)
  • 中華會計學會常務理事(2019~2021)
  • 台灣成功大學校務基金管理委員會委員(2016~2020)
  • 台灣成功大學管理學院院教評會委員(2016~2019)
  • 台灣成功大學校教評會委員(2020~2021)
  • 美國會計學會鑑識會計期刊編輯委員會委員(2015~2022)
  • 台灣台大管理論叢(ESSCI)會計專刊客座編輯(2017~2020)
  • 台灣亞太管理評論會計財務領域編輯(2014~2016)
  • TSSCI級管理評論期刊會計與資本市場領域副主編(2020~2021)
  • 台灣中華會計學刊審計領域編輯(2015~2016)
  • 台灣會計研究月刊顧問(2014~2016)



2023 (NCKU)


  • James M. Fornaro, Hua-Wei Huang*, and Yi-Hung Lin. 2022. Initial Evidence on the Association between Audit Fees and Client Participation in Underfunded Multiemployer Pension Plans. Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance科技部Atier_1級期刊
  • Zhi-Yuan Feng, Divesh S. Sharma, Mai Dao, and Hua-Wei Huang*. Global Level Auditor Industry Specialization and the Cost of Equity Capital. Accounting Horizons. (SSCI, Impact Factor 22 = 2.162, 62/109 ISI Business/Finance) (AAA) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory) [FinTech] 科技部Atier_1期刊
  • Yan-Guang Han, Hua-Wei Huang*, Wu-Po Liu, and Yu-Lin Hsu. Firm-Value Effects of Carbon Emissions and Carbon Disclosures: Evidence from Taiwan. Accounting Horizons. (SSCI, Impact Factor 22 = 2.162, 62/109 ISI Business/Finance) (AAA) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory) [FinTech] 科技部Atier_1期刊
  • Wood, D. A., …, Hua-Wei Huang*, and … (176 co-authors). The ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence Chatbot: How Well Does It Answer Accounting Assessment Questions? Issues in Accounting Education. 2023 Nov. 科技部Atier_2級期刊
  • Wu-Po Liu*, Shih-Bin Wu, Kung-Hong Shih, K. Y. Chen, and Hua-Wei Huang. Can Financial Technology Reduce Reporting Lags? Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 2023. 科技部財務類B+級期刊. (ABI) (Cabell's Directory) 
  • Manry, D., Huang, H-W., and Yan, Y-C. Financial Statement Fraud Litigation, Material Weaknesses, and Board Characteristics. Accounting Research Journal. June. Accepted, forthcoming. 

 2022 (NCKU)

  • Zhi-Yuan Feng, Divesh S. Sharma, Mai Dao, and Hua-Wei Huang*. Global Level Auditor Industry Specialization and the Cost of Equity Capital. Accounting Horizons. (NRC Rank: 13, ATier-1) (SSCI, Impact Factor 22 = 2.162, 62/109 ISI Business/Finance) (AAA) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory) [FinTech] 科技部Atier_1期刊
  • Yan-Guang Han, Hua-Wei Huang*, Wu-Po Liu, and Yu-Lin Hsu. Firm-Value Effects of Carbon Emissions and Carbon Disclosures: Evidence from Taiwan. Accounting Horizons. (NRC Rank: 13, ATier-1) (SSCI, Impact Factor 22 = 2.162, 62/109 ISI Business/Finance) (AAA) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory) [FinTech] 科技部Atier_1期刊
  • Chun-Chan Yu, Hua-Wei Huang*, Ya-Chih Yang, and Anxuan Xie. Do Over-Conservative Going Concern Audit Opinions Exist? Evidence from the Prediction Model Approach. Economic Letters. Vol. 212, March, 110292. [SSCI, 134/373, Economics] [FinTech]
  • Chun-Chan Yu, Hua-Wei Huang*. Audit Office’s Unused Capacity and Audit Quality. Asia Pacific Management Review (APMR). Accept, forthcoming. [ESCI, Scopus] 
  • Yueh-Ping Li, Hua-Wei Huang, and Ya-Chih Yang*. The Association between Financial Activities and Self-Rated Health in Middle-Aged and Older Adults. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, 14 Oct. 2022. 科技部財務類B+級期刊. (ABI) (Cabell's Directory) 

 2022 (NCKU)

  • Chun-Chan Yu, Hua-Wei Huang*, Ya-Chih Yang, and Anxuan Xie. Do Over-Conservative Going Concern Audit Opinions Exist? Evidence from the Prediction Model Approach. Economic Letters. Accepted, forthcoming. [SSCI, 134/373, Economics]    


    2021 (NCKU)

  • Yu-Cheng Tsai, and Hua-Wei Huang. Internal Control Material Weakness Opinions and the Market’s Reaction to Securities Fraud Litigation Announcements. Finance Research Letters. Accept, forthcoming. [SSCI, 9/108, Business/Finance] [FinTech]
  • Yi-Hung Lin, Ting-Chiao Huang, Mai Dao, and Hua-Wei Huang. Does the Form 20-F Reconciliation Help Ensure the Financial Reporting Quality of Cross-Listed IFRS Firms? A Comparison with Cross-Listed Non-IFRS Firms. International Journal of Auditing. [SSCI, 81/109, Business/Finance] 科技部A-級期刊.
  • Ying-Chieh Wang, Zhi-Yuan Feng, Hua-Wei Huang. Corporate Carbon Dioxide Emissions and the Cost of Debt Financing: Evidence from the Global Tourism Industry. International Journal of Tourism Research, 23, 1, p. 56-69. [SSCI, 21/52, Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism]
  • Yu-Ling Tsai, and Hua-Wei Huang. Compensation Committee Characteristics and Voluntary Executive Compensation Disclosure. Applied Economics Letters. Vol.21, Issue. 8, pp. 640-645. Published online 2020. [SSCI(307/363), Economics /Scopus]


2020 (NCKU)


  • Liu, Wu-Po, and Huang, H. W. Auditor Realignment, Voluntary SOX 404 Adoption, and Internal Control Material Weakness Remediation: Further Evidence from U.S.-Listed Foreign Firms. International Business Review. In press. [管理一學門組織與管理領域推薦之國際學術期刊/SSCI(38/147), Business /Scopus] [FinTech]
  • Yi-Hung Lin, Hua-Wei Huang, Mark Riley, and Chih-Chen Lee. Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Restatements. Accounting and the Public Interest. Published online. 科技部會計類A-級期刊/Scopus. (ABI) (Cabell's Directory)
  • Yu-Ling Tsai, and Hua-Wei Huang. Do International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) reduce information asymmetry? Evidence based on underpricing of Initial Public Offerings (IPO) in China. Finance Research Letters. Accept, forthcoming. [SSCI, 44/103, Business/Finance]
  • Yong-Jie Chen, Zhi-Yuan Feng, Yueh-Ping Li, Hua-Wei Huang*. The Economic Consequences of U.S. FDA New Drug Approvals: Evidence from Taiwan Pharmaceutical and Biotech Companies. Innovation: Organization & Management. Published online. [SSCI(158/217), Management /Scopus] [FinTech]
  • Yu-Ling Tsai, and Hua-Wei Huang. Compensation Committee Characteristics and Voluntary Executive Compensation Disclosure. Applied Economics Letters. Published online. [SSCI(307/363), Economics /Scopus]
  • Zhi-Yuan Feng, Hua-Wei Huang*. Corporate Governance and Earnings Management: A Quantile Regression Approach. International Journal of Finance and Economics. Accept, forthcoming. [SSCI Business, Finance (86/103)]. 科技部財務類B+級期刊.
  • Yu-Ling Tsai, and Hua-Wei Huang. Does Convergent-IFRS Adoption in China Increase Audit Fees? Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies. V23 N1 March (2020). 科技部財務類B+級期刊. (ABI) (Cabell's Directory) [FinTech]
  • 黃華瑋. 2020. 導論企業永續報導之重要性與未來展望. 哈佛商業評論中文版。數位版文章 2020/9/17. 


2019 (NCKU)

        Hua-Wei Huang, Zhi-Yuan Feng, Angie Zaher. “Fair Value and Economic Consequences of 

        Financial Restatements”. Finance Research Letters. In-Press, forthcoming. (SSCI, 59/98,


  • Yi-Hung Lin, Meghann Cefaratti, Chih-Chen Lee, and Hua-Wei Huang. Internal Control Material Weaknesses and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Violations. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research. Accepted, forthcoming. (AAA) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory)


       2018 (NCKU)


Tsing-Zai C. Wu, Hua-Wei Huang*, Chun-Chan Yu, and Ching-Hui Wu. Engagement Partners Participating in Auditing Standard Setting and Audit Quality?. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics. Accepted, forthcoming. (SSCI, 90/91, Business/Finance). 科技部A-級期刊.

  • 林俊傑、劉梧柏、黃華瑋。(2018)。“公司治理評鑑與財務績效及公司價值之關聯性探討:以台灣上市櫃企業公司治理評鑑為例 ”。商略學報(International Journal of Commerce and Strategy),第10卷第1期,023-046


    2017 (NCKU)

  • Wen-Chi Sun, Hua-Wei Huang, Mai Dao, and Chaur-Shiuh Young. “Auditor Selection and Corporate Social Responsibility”. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 44, Issue 9-10, October/November, pp. 1241–1275. (NRC Rank: 12, ATier-1) (SSCI)

  • Robert J Parker, Yun-Chia Yan, Mai Dao and Hua-Wei Huang. (2017). Disclosing Material Weakness in Internal Controls: Does Gender of Audit Committee Members Matter?. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 24: (3-4): pp. 407-420 (Sept.). (SSCI, 90/91, Business/Finance). 科技部A-級期刊. [成大研發快訊]

  • Zhi-Yuan Feng, Ying-Chieh Wang, and Hua-Wei Huang. “Does Adopting IFRS Decrease the Cost of Equity of the Global Tourism Firms?” Tourism Economics, 23 (8), 1615-1631. (June 19) (SSCI, Impact Factor 12 = 0.579, 29/36 ISI Hospitality/Leisure/Sport)

  • Yi-Hong Lin, and Hua-Wei Huang. “Does Eliminating the Form 20-F Reconciliation from IFRS to U.S. GAAP Affect Audit Pricing?”. Journal of International Accounting Research, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1-19. (Spring) (NRC Rank: 30, A-) (AAA) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory)

  • Yi-Hung Lin, Steve Lin, James Fornaro, and Hua-Wei Huang. Fair Value Measurement and Accounting Restatements. Advances in Accounting 38: pp. 30-45. (Sept.) (NRC Rank: 43, A-) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory)

  • Hua-Wei Huang, Mai Dao and Wen-Chi Sun. The Timeliness of Financial Reporting and Fair Values: Evidence from US Banks. Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies. Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 1750006-1-30. (March) 科技部財務類B級期刊.

  • Wang, Ying-Chieh, Huang, Hua Wei, Chiou, Jeng-Ren, Huang, Yu Chieh. 2017. "The Effects of Industry Expertise on Cost of Debt: An Individual Auditor-level Analysis". Asian Review of Accounting. Vol. 25, No. 3, pp.322-334, Sept. DOI (10.1108/ARA-08-2014-0092);


    2016 (NCKU)

  • Hua-Wei Huang, Steve Lin, and Kannan Raghunandan. (2016). "The Volatility of Other Comprehensive Income and Audit Fees”.  Accounting Horizons. Vol. 30, No. 2, pp.195-210, June. (NRC Rank: 13, ATier-1) (SSCI, Impact Factor 13 = 1.759, 14/86 ISI Business/Finance) (AAA) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory) (李遠哲基金會) [成大研發快訊]

  • Hua-Wei Huang, Mai Dao, and James Fornaro. “Corporate Governance, SFAS 157 and the Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from U.S. Financial Institutions”. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, July, Vol. 46, Issue. 1, pp. 141-177. (Jan) (NRC Rank: 21, ATier-2) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory)

  • Yi-Hong Lin, Hua-Wei Huang, and Sheela Thiruvadi. (2016). Attitudes of Activist Shareholders, Securities Fraud, and Stock Market Reactions. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, Vol. 8: Issue. 1, Jan–Jun. 本人為通訊作者. 科技部B+ 級期刊.

  • Sheela Thiruvadi, Hua-Wei Huang, Clark Wheatley and Shiyaamsundar Thiruvadi. (2016). Free Cash Flow and Debt Monitoring Hypothesis: Evidence from Material Internal Control Weakness Disclosure. Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting, Vol. 8: Issue. 1, Jan–Jun. 科技部B+級期刊.

  • 黃華瑋. 2016. 會計整合報導。科技部科學發展月刊。1058524期。


  1. Hua-Wei Huang, Kannan Raghunandan, Jen-Reng Chiou, and Ting-Chiao Huang. Fee Discounting and Audit Quality Following Audit Firm and Audit Partner Changes: Chinese Evidence.The Accounting Review. (NRC Rank: 1, A++) (SSCI, Impact Factor 13 = 2.418, 7/86 ISI Business/Finance) (AAA) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory)
  2. Mai Dao,Hua-Wei Huang,Ken Y. Chen, and Ting-Chiao Huang. Can Management Turnover Restore the Financial Statement Credibility of Restating Firms? Further Evidence. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. (NRC Rank: 12, ATier-1) (SSCI, Impact Factor 13 = 0.689, 48/86 ISI Business/Finance) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory)
  3. Hua-Wei Huang,Mai Dao, and James Fornaro. Corporate Governance, SFAS 157 and the Cost of Equity Capital: Evidence from U.S. Financial Institutions.Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. (NRC Rank: 21, ATier-2) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory)
  4. S.C. Lai, Y.S. Lin, Y.H. Lin, andHua-Wei Huang. XBRL Adoption and Cost of Debt.International Journal of Accounting and Information Management. (NRC Rank: 31, A-) (QS Journal) (Cabell's Directory)


  1. Hua-Wei Huang, Robert Parker, Yun-Chia Yan, and Yi-Hung Lin. “CEO Turnover and Audit Pricing”.Accounting Horizons. (NRC Rank: 13, ATier-1) (SSCI, Impact Factor 13 = 1.759, 14/86 ISI Business/Finance)
  2. Yu-Chen Lin, Ying-Chieh Wang, Jen-Reng Chiou, and Hua-Wei Huang. (2014). CEO Characteristics and Internal Control Quality.Corporate Governance: An International Review.Vol. 22, No. 1, 24–42. (SSCI, IF13= 1.40, 17/86, Business Finance).
  3. Feng Zhi-Yuan, Ming-Long Wang, and Hua-Wei Huang (2014, Jun). Corporate Social Responsibility and Equity Financing in the Global Tourism Industry.Tourism Economics.20 (4), 869-883. (SSCI, IF13= 0.80, 29/36 ISI Hospitality/Leisure/Sport).
  4. Ting-Chiao Huang,Hua-Wei Huang,and Chih-Chen Lee. Corporate Executive’s Gender and Audit Fees. Managerial Auditing Journal. Vol. 29, Iss: 6, pp.527–547 (July). (NRC Rank: C) (SSCI) (ABI) (Cabell's Directory)


  1. Mai Dao, Hua-Wei Huang, and Jishan Zhu. (2013). The Effects of Audit Committee Members’ Age and Additional Directorships on the Cost of Equity Capital in the U.S.European Accounting Review.Vol. 22, No. 3, 607–643. (NSC ATier-1) (SSCI, IF13= 1.15, 26/86 Business/Finance).
  2. Joel Beams, Hua-Wei Huang, and Yun-Chia Yan. (2013, Dec). CEO Changes and Subsequent Firm's Bankruptcy.Accounting and Public Interest.Vol. 13, pp. 39-54. (NSC: A-) (ABI).


  1. Hua-Wei Huang, Ena Rose-Green, and Chih-Chen Lee (2012, Dec). CEO Age and Financial Reporting Quality.Accounting Horizons, 26 (4), 725–740. (NSC:ATier-1) (SSCI, IF12= 1.76, 14/86 Business/Finance).
  2. James Fornaro and Hua-Wei Huang. 2012. “Further Evidence of Earnings Engagement and Opportunistic Behavior with Principles-Based Accounting Standards: The Case of Conditional Asset Retirement Obligations”.Journal of Accounting and Public Policy. (NSC ATier-1) (SSCI, IF11=0.754)


  1. Enna Rosie, Hua-Wei Huang, and Chih-Chen Lee. 2011. “The Association between Audit Industry Specialization and Firms' Disclosure of Internal Control Weakness”.International Journal of Auditing: Vol.15, Issue.2. (NSC A-) (ABI)  
  2. Sheela Thiruvadi and Hua-Wei Huang. 2011. “Audit Committee Gender Differences and Earnings Management”.Gender in Management. Vol 26, Issue 7. (ABI)
  3. Hua-Wei Huang, Yun-Chia Yan, James Fornaro and Ahmad Elshahat. 2011. “Market Reactions of Female Audit Committee Director Appointments: Evidence from US-traded Foreign Firms”.International Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol 8, Issue 1. (Cabell's) 


  1. Hua-Wei Huang, Chih-Chen Lee and Enna Rosie. 2010. “The Association between Audit Fees and Subsequent Client Litigation”.Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting: Vol.2, Issue.2. (NSC: B+) (ABI)
  2. Ronald Young, Hua-Wei Huang and Yun-Chia Yan. 2010. “Economic Consequences of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act on E-Commerce Firms”.Issues in Information Systems, (11) 1. (Cabell's)
  3. Hua-Wei Huang and Sheela Thiruvadi. 2010. “Audit Committee Characteristics and Corporate Fraud“.International Journal of Public Information System: Vol.1, 2010. (Open Access) 


  1. Hua-Wei Huang, K. Raghunandan, and Dasaratha Rama. 2009. “Audit Fees for Initial Audit Engagements Before and After SOX “.Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory: Vol. 28, No. 1: 171-191. (NSC ATier-1) (SSCI, IF08 = 0.815) (AAA) (ABI)
  2. Hua-Wei Huang. 2009. “Sarbanes Oxley Section 404 Compliance: Recent Changes in U.S. Traded Foreign Firms’ Internal Control Reporting”.Managerial Auditing Journal: Vol.24, Issue.6. (NSC: C) (SSCI)(ABI)  


  1. Hua-Wei Huang, Chih-Chen Lee and Enna Rosie. 2008. "Non-Audit Fees, Auditor Independence and Auditor Litigation",Journal of Forensic Accounting: Vol. IX, pp.157-174. (NSC: B+) (ABI) (Cabell's)
  2. Yun-Chia Yan, Hua-Wei Huang, Hsiao-Wen Huang. 2008. “Management Change, R&D/IA Performance and Stock Return in IT Companies“.Issues in Information Systems. 9 (2), pp 518-522. (Cabell's) 


  1. Hua-Wei Huang, Suchismita Mishra, and K. Raghunandan. “Types of Nonaudit Fees and Financial Reporting Quality“,Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory: Vol. 26, No. 1: 133-146. (NSC ATier-1) (SSCI, IF07 = 0.710) (AAA) (ABI).
  2. Hua-Wei Huang, Li-Lin Liu, Dasaratha Rama and K. Raghunandan. “Auditor Industry Specialization, Client Bargaining Power, and Audit Fees: Further Evidence“.Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory: Vol. 26, No. 1: 147-158. (NSC ATier-1) (SSCI, IF07 = 0.710) (AAA) (ABI). 


      1.Che-Hung Liu; Wong, R.; Chen, Y. T.; and Hua-Wei Huang. "Managing Critical Knowledge Management Issues in Global Software Development Projects", Issues in Information Systems, 7 (2), pp 275-279, 2006. (Cabell's)


Conference Proceedings:


Yen-Tzu Chen, Yun-Chia Yan, Hsiao-Wen Huang and Hua-Wei Huang. “Knowledge Management, Education and Firm's Performance”. FUZZ-IEEE 2011 Technical Program Committee, Taipei, Taiwan. (EI) 


Che-Hung Liu, Roman Wong, Yen-Tzu Chen, Hua-Wei Huang. “Managing Critical Knowledge Management Issues in Global Software Development Projects“. 2006 IACIS Pacific Proceedings, Reno, Nevada USA.  


Che-Hung Liu, Hua-Wei Huang, Te-Wei Wang. “An Overview of Cyber Insurance in SMEs“. 2005 IACIS Pacific Proceedings, Taipei, Taiwan.


Professional Presentations: 

2020 (NCKU)

Kenneth Bills, Hua-Wei Huang*, Yi-Hung Lin, David Wood. “Internal Auditor Turnover and Financial Reporting Quality”. AAA Mid-Year Auditing Annual Meeting, Hyatt Regency Houston, USA. (AAA)

Y-C Tsai, and Hua-Wei Huang*. “Internal Auditor Characteristics and Internal Control Material Weakness Remediation: U.S. Evidence”. International Conference on Innovation and Management, Sapporo, Japan.

W-P Liu, H-W Huang. “Internal Control Opinion Shopping: Does Initial Audit Fee Discounting Matter?”. AAA Virtual Annual Meeting, AUDIT section, Atlanta, USA.

W-P Liu, H-W Huang, and Dasaratha Rama. Accounting Restatements and Departures of Audit Committee Members: Evidence from Director Characteristics. 2020 NCCU Workshop. Taipei, Taiwan.



2019 (NCKU)

Wu-Po Liu, and Hua-Wei Huang. Accounting Restatements and Departures of Audit Committee Members: Evidence from Director Characteristics. 2019 AAA Southeast Region Meeting, Paper Session, Savannah, Georgia, USA.

Y-C Tsai, and Hua-Wei Huang*. “Are Audit Committee Characteristics Associated with Fee Discounting in Initial Audit Engagements? Partner Level Evidence”. Concurrent Session, 2019 Midwest Region Meeting, Chicago, USA. (AAA)

Y-C Tsai, and Hua-Wei Huang*. “Securities Fraud Litigation: Disclosure of Internal Control Material Weakness and Audit Committee Characteristics”. Concurrent Session, 2019 Midwest Region Meeting, Chicago, USA. (AAA)

Stephanie Chen, Y-C Tsai, and Hua-Wei Huang*. “Do Nonaudit Fees Affect Financial Reporting Quality: Evidence from Taiwan”. Roundtable, 2019 Midwest Region Meeting, Chicago, USA. (AAA)

張庭語、謝喻婷、黃華瑋。新式查核報告中揭露特定字眼對更換會計師之影響:以英國為例。2019 穩懋當代會計碩士論文獎研討會。台北,台灣。


2018 (NCKU)

Hua-Wei Huang, Zhi-Yuan Feng, and David Manry. “Audit Pricing and Market Pricing Strategy in Initial Audit Engagements”. 2018 International Conference on Industry, Business and Social Sciences. Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.

Ying-Chi Huang and Hua-Wei Huang. “Audit Pricing and Market Pricing Strategy in Initial Audit Engagements: Evidence from Taiwan”. 8th Annual International Conference on Accounting and Finance (AF 2018), Singapore.

Hua-Wei Huang. “Fair Value and Economic Consequences of Financial Restatements”. Paper Session, International Conference on Innovation and Management, Fukuoka, Japan.

Ting-Chiao Huang, Yi-Hong Lin, and Hua-Wei Huang. “The Effect of SECs Elimination of the Form 20-F Reconciliation on Accounting Restatements: The Role of Industry-Specialist Auditors”. British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA 2018) Annual Conference, London.

Chun-Chan Yu, Tsing-Zai Wu, and Hua-Wei Huang. “Audit Firm’s Capacity, Opportunity Costs and Audit Pricing”. 2018 當代會計」研討會,台北,台灣。


2017 (NCKU)

Chun-Chan Yu, Tsing-Zai Wu, and Hua-Wei Huang. “Audit Firm’s Capacity, Opportunity Costs and Audit Pricing”. Paper Session, 2017 AAA Northeast Region Meeting, Providence, Rhode Island. (AAA)

Chun-Chan Yu, Tsing-Zai Wu, Ching-Hui Wu, and Hua-Wei Huang. “Engagement Partners Participating in Auditing Standards Setting and Audit Quality”. Roundtable Forum Session, 2017 AAA Western Region Meeting, San Francisco, CA. (AAA)


2016 (NCKU)

Mai Dao and Hua-Wei Huang. “CFO Gender Changes and Restatement”. Paper Dialogue Session (Gender), 2016 AAA Annual Meeting, NYC, New York. (AAA)


2015 (NCKU)

Chih-Chen Lee, Hua-Wei Huang, Yi-Hong Lin, and Meghann Cefaratti. “Internal Control Material Weaknesses and Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Violations”. 2015 TAA/NCKU/IAAER Annual Meeting, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC.

Hua-Wei Huang and Zhi-Yuan Feng. “Initial Audit Fee Discounting, Financial Reporting Quality, and Investor Protection: Global Evidence”. 2015 TAA/NCKU/IAAER Annual Meeting, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC.

Wu-Po Liu, Hua-Wei Huang, and Steve Lin. “Audit Fees and Disclosure of Other Comprehensive Income: Evidence from S&P 500 Firms”. 2015 TAA/NCKU/IAAER Annual Meeting, Tainan, Taiwan, ROC.



James Fornaro, and Hua-Wei Huang. “Initial Evidence on the Association between Multiemployer Pension Plans and Audit Fees”. Research Interaction Forum Session, 2014 AAA Western Region Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah. 

Yi-Hong Lin, and Hua-Wei Huang. “Does Eliminating the Form 20-F Reconciliation from IFRS to U.S. GAAP Affect Audit Pricing?”. 2014 AAA Southeast Region Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL.


Yi-Hong Lin, and Hua-Wei Huang. “Principles-Based Accounting Standards and Auditor Expertise”. 2014 AAA Southeast Region Meeting, St. Petersburg, FL. (Best Paper Award) 



Ting-Chiao Huang, Jen-Reng Chiou, Hua-Wei Huang (2013, May). Audit Pricing, Audit Quality and Industry Expertise: Further Evidence from China. 2013 National Taipei University International Conference on Accounting, Taipei. Best Paper Award. 

Hua-Wei Huang, Mai Dao, and Wen-Chi Sun. (2013, Jan). Information Risk and Fair Values: Further Evidence. 2013 AAA IS Midyear Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA. 


Hua-Wei Huang, Kannan Raghunandan, Jen-Reng Chiou, and Ting-Chiao Huang. (2012, Nov). Fee Discounting and Audit Quality Following Audit Firm and Audit Partner Changes: Chinese Evidence. 2012 TAA Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Ming-Long Wang, Zhi-Yuan Feng and Hua-Wei Huang. (2012, Nov). Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Equity Capital: A Global Perspective. 2012 TAA Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan. 

Ying-Chieh Wang, Jen-Reng Chiou, Hua-Wei Huang, and Yu-Chen Lin. (2012, Nov). CEO Characteristics and Internal Control Quality: U.S. Evidence. 2012 TAA Annual Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan.

Hua-Wei Huang, Chih-Chen Lee and Ena Rose-Green. (2012). CEO Age and Financial Reporting Quality. 2012 AAA Annual Meeting , Washington, DC , USA. 

Hua-Wei Huang, Jen-Reng Chiou, and Ting-Chiao Huang. (2012). Initial Audit Engagements and Audit Fee Low-Balling in China: Evidence from a Firm and Individual Auditor Level Analysis. 2012 AAA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC , USA. 

Hua-Wei Huang, Wen-Chi Sun, Chaur-Shiuh Young, and Mai Dao (2012). Auditor Selection and Corporate Social Responsibility. 2012 Academic Conference on Social Responsibility, Center for Leadership of Social Responsibility, University of Washington, USA. 

Mai Dao, Hua-Wei Huang and Ken Chen. (2012). Can Management Turnover Reinstate Financial Statement Creditability of Restated Firms? Further Evidence. 2012 AAA IS Midyear Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, USA. 

Ting-Chiao Huang, Jen-Reng Chiou, Hua-Wei Huang, and Jeng-Feng Chen. (2012). Does Gender Matter in Audit Pricing? Evidence from Individual Auditor Level Analysis. 2012 AAA Annual Meeting, Washington, DC , USA.


Hua-Wei Huang and Mai Dao. (2011). The Impact of SFAS 157 Fair Value Disclosure on Firms’ Cost of Equity Capital. 2011 AAA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA.

Hua-Wei Huang and Steve Lin. “Financial Restatement and Fair Value Measurement”. Concurrent Session, 2011 AAA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. (AAA) 


  1. Yun-Chia Yan and Hua-Wei Huang. “Audit Committees Gender Diversity and Internal Control Quality”. 2010 Annual Conference of the American Accounting Association – Southwest Region in Dallas, Texas. (AAA)
  2. Hua-Wei Huang, Chih-Chen Lee and Enna Rosie. “The Association between Audit Industry Specialization and Firms Disclosure of Internal Control Weakness”. 2010 AAA Forensic and Investigative Accounting (FIA) Section Midyear Conference, Baton Rouge, LA. (AAA)
  3. Yun-Chia Yan and Hua-Wei Huang. “CEO Resignation and the Firm’s Subsequent Bankruptcy”. 2010 AAA Forensic and Investigative Accounting (FIA) Section Midyear Conference. (AAA)
  4. Sheela Thiruvadi and Hua-Wei Huang. “Audit Committee Gender Diversity and Earnings Management“. International Conference on Technology and Business Management (ICTBM-10). Dubai City, United Arab Emirates. 


  1. Abhijit Barua, Yun-Chia Yan and Hua-Wei Huang. “SOX 404 Opinions and Audit Committees”. 2009 America Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Research Interaction Forum Session, New York. (AAA)
  2. Hua-Wei Huang and Sheela Thiruvadi. “Audit Committee Characteristics and Corporate Fraud“. Annual Corporate Reporting & Governance Conference, Irvine, Orange County, CA. 


1.Hua-Wei Huang, Chih-Chen Lee, and Ena Rose-Green. “Non-Audit Fees, Auditor Independence and Auditor Litigation“. 2006 Midwest American Accounting Association Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. (AAA)  

  1. Hua-Wei Huang, Che-Hung Liu, and Yun-Chia Yan. “The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on For-Profit and Not-For-Profit Healthcare Organizations“. 2006 Mid-Year American Accounting Association Government & Non-Profit Section Meeting. (AAA)
  2. Hua-Wei Huang, Hong-Yu Shih, Hsiao-Wen Huang, Che-Hung Liu. “Can Knowledge Management Create Firm Value? Evidence from United States and Taiwan“. 2006 The Global Management & Information Technology Research Conference, New York.
  3. Hua-Wei Huang, Kuang-Yuan Tsai. “The Impact of Auditor Change on Financial Reporting Conservatism“. The 2006 Forum on Contemporary Accounting and Management, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan. (Best Paper Award)


Hua-Wei Huang, Che-Hung Liu. “The Influences of the Sarbanes-Oxley Internal Control Reporting Requirement“. 2005 Center for Corporate Reporting & Governance Conference Section 404 Compliance, California State University, Fullerton.



博士班 (一般生)

林易宏 (2011~2014):澳洲 Monash University (QS排名全球百大名校) 會計系專任副教授。

朱雅菁 (2020~2023):成功大學會計系博士生(八年級)。(與楊朝旭教授共同指導)

吳世彬 (2020~2023):成功大學會計系博士生(四年級、學士班逕讀直升)[美國北伊利諾大學千里馬計劃]。

蕭惠鈺 (2023~2023):成功大學會計系博士生(三年級)。(與周庭楷教授共同指導)


博士班 (在職生)

孫文琦 (2010~2012):台灣東華大學會計系助理教授。(與楊朝旭教授共同指導)

簡妃良 (2010~2014):台灣致理科技大學會計系助理教授。(與楊朝旭教授共同指導)

吳慶輝 (2012~2018):台灣國稅局民雄分所副主任。

余駿展 (2012~2018):台灣中興大學(QS排名651~700)會計系專任副教授兼系主任。(前台南市開元國小會計室主任)

蔡玉玲 (2013~2020):台灣台南市財政稅務局股長。

楊雅智 (2020~2023):成功大學會計系博士生(七年級)。(與楊朝旭教授共同指導)

呂學盛 (2022~2023):高考及格、成功大學會計系博士生(二年級)。



林俊傑 (2014~2017):統一集團本部財務經理。

林玉芳 (2015~2018):鴻海集團高階經理人、前力勤實業財務長。

林似霖 (2017~2019):東成交通企業有限公司經理、科技部獎助 USA Kuracare 公司 訪問學者。

郭翃瑞 (2019~2021):東聯化學股份有限公司 副總廠長/協理。



許睿婷 (2018~2020):許氏會計師事務所合夥會計師。

謝佾芸 (2021~2023):美國 Southern Illinois Univ. 雙學位生。


碩士班(一般生) [部份;建構中]

王文儒 (2011~2013) : PriceWaterhouseCoopers CPAs (台中所 協理/Singapore) Senior Manager。

顧芝菁 (2011~2013):法務部澎湖調查局財經犯罪組調查官。

郭仲恆 (2012~2014):Macau (澳門)博弈企業財會主管。

江鈺聲 (2012~2014):臺灣集中保管結算所稽核(前資誠會計師事務所台北所審計服務部經理)。

李家齊 (2012~2014):美商花旗銀行專員、2019台灣民眾黨不分區立委提名人。

郭裔正 (2013~2015):達思股份有限公司策略長(前台新金控投資專員)。

吳明翰 (2013~2015):勤業會計師事務所台北所高級審計員。

王登彥 (2013~2015):南亞塑膠會計儲備幹部(前資誠會計師事務所台南所高級審計員)。 

陳亮敏 (2013~2016):資誠會計師事務所台北所國際稅務部專員。(美國 Southern Illinois Univ. 雙學位生)

黃盈綺 (2014~2017):Singapore Management Univ. 博士生。(美國 Southern Illinois Univ. 雙學位生)

蔡煜程 (2015~2018):台積電新竹財會部管理師、美國NIU訪問學生。

魏嫚萱 (2017~2020):資誠會計師事務所台北所高級審計員。(英國 Lancaster Univ. 雙學位生) 

陳樂玲 (2017~2020):美國德州農工大學會計博士生。前資誠高級審計員。(Univ. of Minnesota 碩士生) 

林子婷 (2018~2020):新加坡 RSM CPAs (Singapore) Senior Auditor。

陳俊德 (2019~2021):英國 Durham Univ. 碩士、南風永續創業投資股份有限公司創投專案管理人

李宜樺 (2020~2022):資誠會計師事務所台中所高級審計員。

陳沛岑 (2020~2022):台積電新竹成管會&永續部管理師。

丁子凡 (2021~2023):安永會計師事務所台中所審計員

劉孟昀 (2021~2023):英國Lancaster Univ. 人力資源與諮詢研究所碩士班進修。