姓名 林囿成
職稱 副教授
E-mail yclin@mail.ncku.edu.tw
辦公室 63304
分機 53442
專長領域 財務會計、審計公費、盈餘管理、公司治理
  • 國立台灣大學會計博士
  • 國立台北大學會計學碩士
  • 國立台灣大學會計學士
  • 國立成功大學會計系助理教授
  • 國立成功大學會計系專案講師
  • 國立台灣大學會計系兼任講師

1. Li, Ming-Yuan, Leon, Alan T. Wang, Yu-Chen Lin, and Hsuan-Ho Cheng. 2007. Determinants and Impacts of the Relative Use of Depository Receipts and Euro Convertible Bonds by High-tech Corporations: An Empirical Study. Economics Bulletin Vol. 3, No. 10: 1-13 (Indexed by e-JEL, EconLit, and IDEAS)
2. Chen, C. Y., C. J. Lin, and Y. C. Lin. Audit partner tenure, audit firm tenure, and discretionary accruals: Does long tenure impair earnings quality? Contemporary Accounting Research (SSCI) forthcoming (Accepted on August 25, 2007).


1.Lin, C. J. and Y. C. Lin (2003) Earnings Management and Its Information Content – Evidence from Electronics Industry in Taiwan. 2003 Modern Issues on Finance – Academic Symposium, Providence University, Taiwan.
2.Chen, C. Y., C. J. Lin, and Y. C. Lin. (2004), Audit partner tenure, audit firm tenure, and discretionary accruals: Does long tenure impair earnings quality? 2004 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, USA.
3.Lao, K. H., C. H. Chen, and Y. C. Lin. (2005) Ownership Structure, Board Composition and Employee Bonuses of Listed Electronic Company. 2005 Accounting Academic Conference, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
4.Lin, C. J., Y. C. Tsai, C. H. Chen, and Y. C. Lin. (2005), Corporate Governance Structure and Top Executive Compensation. 2005 Accounting Academic Conference, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.