主旨 | 國立成功大學會計學系暨財務金融研究所 誠徵教師公告 |
公告日期 | 2021-03-24 |
公告內容 | 國立成功大學 會計學系暨財務金融研究所 誠徵教師公告
三、資格: 1.具備國內、外會計相關博士學位,專精於成管會、財會、稅務、審計、會計資訊系統、金融科技或相關領域之教學,具有發表科技部會計或財務A級研究論文潛力者尤佳。 2.申請人需具有全英語教授專業課程之能力;具有旅外教學研究經驗者尤佳。 3.應徵者之資格需先經本校認可核發競爭性員額後,再循三級三審方式應聘。 4.經系教評會審核進入校園面試之申請人,需以全英文進行一篇研究論文發表及教學課程試教,並答覆本系教師及學生相關之英文提問。
四、申請者請郵寄下列資料,應徵信封請註明「應聘教師」(所寄資料請自行影印留存,恕不退件): 1.中(英)履歷表。 2.博士畢業證書(或學位證書)及博士班成績單影本。 3.近五年研究及著作清單。 4.一篇代表作及一至二篇參考著作全文影本。 5.推薦函三封。 6.其他足資證明資格之文件。 國外之學、經歷證明須先經我國駐外單位驗證。
六、聯絡資訊: 聯絡人:李岱蓉小姐。 聯絡電話:(06)275-7575轉53434。 FAX:(06)2744-104。 E-mail:em53400@email.ncku.edu.tw 郵寄地址:70101台南市東區大學路1號(成功大學會計系)。
The Department of Accountancy and Graduate Institute of Finance, National Cheng Kung University invites application for full-time faculty position
Tenure-track Faculty Position One Faculty Opening for Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor (competitive position).
Date of Appointment Starting from February 1st, 2022
Requirements 1.Possess a Ph.D. degree awarded by a domestic (Taiwan) /overseas university, and specialize in Cost and Managerial Accounting, Financial Accounting, Taxation, Auditing, Accounting Information Systems, FinTech or related areas. Preference will be given to applicants who have the potential to publish A-tiered research papers in accounting or finance listed by the Ministry of Science and Technology, T (SSCI / Scopus). 2.Applicants must have the ability to teach in English. Preference will be given to applicants who have experience in teaching and research overseas. 3.Applicants' qualifications need to be verified by NCKU for competitive position, and then reviewed by the recruiting committee at the department, college, and university levels, respectively. 4.Applicants who enter the campus interview after being reviewed by the department’s faculty committee will need to give a research presentation for unpublished study, and conduct demonstration teaching in English, and answer questions in English from teachers and students of the department.
Application procedure Interested applicants should send the following information in paper format, and mark "Application for Competitive Position" on the surface of the envelope. (The information should be copied and kept by yourself, and no return is allowed): 1.Curriculum vitae (in English and Chinese). 2.Copy of Ph.D. certificate and transcripts. 3.Complete list of research and publications in the last five years. 4.One representative academic paper, and one to two academic works (all in full-text copies). 5.Three letters of recommendation. 6.Other materials that can assist the recruiting committee to learn more about the applicant’s abilities and qualifications. Certificates of foreign Ph.D. degrees and teaching experience must be verified by ROC (Taiwan) Embassies and Missions abroad.
Application deadlines In accordance with the appointment assignment schedule of each semester, please send it by May 31, 2021.
Contact Assistant of department, Ms. Tai-Jung, Li Tel: +886-62757575 ext. 53434 FAX:(06)2744-104。 E-mail:em53400@email.ncku.edu.tw Mailing address: 1 University Road, Tainan, Taiwan 70101(Department of Accountancy and Graduate Institute of Finance, NCKU) |